Buster Pickle Grot-Bot Jones, our scatty cat from New Zealand, has just reminded me how nice the UI is on Budgie Desktop when you hit the Print Screen button. 😜
Just a quick test of using an “Aside” post format to write and share a quick thought on my rebooted site, which is back to using WordPress.
And yes, I am using the best stock WordPress theme there has ever been, Twenty Fifteen. 😄
Yup, it’s that time again, start my site from scratch time.
As per previous reboots, no promises as to whether I’ll be blogging regularly, or adding any content of worth.
One thing I do know, I’ll be saying goodbye to posting via the Gemini protocol. I’m not reading such sites on a regular basis, and I can’t be bothered trying to keep my Gemini site up and running.
I’m also not going to be writing a separate microblog. I may end up writing small posts to my main feed instead, but the chances are I’ll only use @ianmjones@fosstodon.org for smaller posts. Although, knowing me, that’ll no doubt be very rare too.